
Not should it be done but can it be done?

by  |  earlier

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My wife and I own a house and a Dog grooming shop in Oklahoma. She is Preg so we have made a decision to move closer to family in kansas, where we will start a new grooming shop and buy a new house. We bring in between $6000-7000/mo at the current small town shop. We have no Idea how much we will take in at the new shop but we know it will be a much much larger customer base. We have a history of success but no guarentee on whats to come. We have to buy a house. What do you think? What will the bank think?




  1. The bank will think that you have no stable income, and they won't loan you ****.

    Can't you rent for a short time while you set up shop in KS?  You could even rent a house

  2. The bank probably won't give you a mortgage until you can show enough income from the new shop for a period of time.

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