
Not sleeping can kill you question!?

by  |  earlier

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according to someone i know if you do an all nighter routinly then you could die!

is this true??

because im scaered now




  1. No  and if it was, there would be allot of dead college students. Lack of  sleep is only harmful if your handling dangerous equipment or driving and fall asleep.. Your friend was messing with you.

  2. Humans can go a frighteningly long time without sleep. I can't remember the world record, but I believe it is over a year. So I really wouldn't worry about dying. Just your general health as sleep is still GOOD for you even if missing it doesn't kill you.

  3. Lack of sleep for prolonged periods of time can kill you. Sleep is the only time your body really has to rest and maintain itself. People who have "worked to death" usually die of sudden heart attacks, or brain anyurisms. However chronic lack of not enough sleep also leads to a weakened immune system.

    There is a prion disorder which runs in some Italian family where  certain parts of their brain which play a part in sleep deteriorate, and the person is unable to fall into REM sleep. These people linger in a twighlight state for a few months never actually falling asleep until they die.

    So not only do you need to get enough sleep, you need to get the right kind of sleep, which is ideally an entire sleep cycle.

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