
Not so good smelling discharge?

by Guest34451  |  earlier

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I've been getting this yelowish colored discharge ever since I've been pregnant, I'm 6 months now, but it smells bad and I don't know what its from. I have to wear pantyliners all of the time and it makes my underwear smell horrible. I don't have any stds so it's not from that what could be the cause? By the way I am a very clean person but after I take a shower the discharge comes back and the smell is still there.




  1. Might be a sexually transmitted disease i would get it checked out !!!

  2. Sounds like a infection dont worry just go doc

  3. it could be a yeast infection..go check it out with your doctor

  4. It's an infection.  See your doctor.

  5. It's not a yeast infection. I once had that when I was pregnant with my son it's called Bacterial Vaginosis. Don't worry it wont hurt the baby but they will probably need to get you on some antibiotics to clear up the bacterial infection. It can come from many different places, and it's not an STD HOWEVER, you need to get it cleared up now because having unprotected s*x with your partner will cause you to give it to him and then in turn the next time you have s*x he will give it right back to you. And it will just keep going like that. Soon you will spell a fishy odor if you are not already. Get to the OB/GYN and just tell them your symptoms tell them you think it might be Bacterial Vaginosis, the doc will put you in the chair, check you out real quick and then give you antibiotics. You'll be fine! :) Good Luck!

  6. I'm the exact same except i'm not pregnant it just started to come about 3 or 4 months ago i don't know what it is?? but since your pregnant i'm sure its normal and nothig o worry about x

  7. You should check with you might have a yeast infection, pregnant women keep them.

  8. You should definitely talk to your ob/gyn about this.  

    The discharge may be from an infection called leukorrhea. see below

    I would call my doctor and make an appointment right away.

    Hope this helps.

  9. It could be a yeast infection. I think you should go see your gyno.

    Good Luck!

  10. Ohh let me examine

  11. because you are pregnant, i'm sure that if you had any sort of infection, the doctors would know. at this point, you are probably seeing the doc every 3 weeks.... at your next appointment, mention this to the doc just to be on the safe side. however, chances are, this is all hormonal. everything "down there" is going through changes. your PH balance is off, your hormones are on the fritz.... weird things happen to pregnant women. whatever you do, DO NOT use a douche, unless specifically directed to do so by your doc. i wouldn't worry too much. i can almost guarantee that this is hormonal, but as i said before, bring it up to your doc just to be safe.

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