
Not so much paranormal, more like just scary?

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Do you think if Bill Gates gets his hands on Yahoo he will kill the answers forums? Just about every thing Microsoft buys they s***w it up or just make it go away so as not to compete MS junk. And how secure will our info be? Sorry about not on subject.




  1. >nothing is secure on the internet. Gates isnt interested in yahoo for anything other than the search engine and its advertising. Thats it. Your screen name could be hacked right now and you wouldnt even know it. If you have ever bought anything on line with any type of funds, your already in danger of identity theft. this info has gone around the world a trillion times by now!

  2. Guess I'll be in BIG trouble!! I've run my mouth (or fingers) more that anyone!! And if he takes away Y/A...he'll be breaking up a lot of friendships..and that would be really sad.

    edit..Amen..John S.!! lol (the free er the better!! lol)

  3. LOL deenie...well it does give us a place to all ponder and hang out on the net...i just had a wierd thought but im not saying it...(just something about robots and our personal information) lol... Yahoo is such a big world wide connection net work, i dont think they will take it away....but maybe make changes, as they always do with everything.....

  4. No, they're too profitable. He's too smart a guy to chuck all this away. He HAS to be smart or he wouldn't own such a huge company. I'm positive that if the MS/Yahoo deal goes through, he'll leave Answers just the way it is.

  5. Interesting question.  My take is that if he gets his hands on it YQA won't go away, but that the info won't be secure.

    Is it secure now?  Strong no.  Will it be less secure if Bill Gates comes into the picture?  Strong yes.

    For whatever that's worth.  Mr. Pendoolum being interviewed on the subject.

  6. I predict that Bill Gates will not be able to aquire Yahoo, especially where that yahoo executvies know the difference between what they are offering and what Microsoft offers. With that said, the only thing to fear is that Yahoo does not figure out how to make enough money with what they are offering to the masses.

  7. Why would he?

    Really, I think he has bigger issues to deal with than Yahoo answers.  There is way too much traffic going thru here everyday.

    If this were to go away another would come up.  

    Info is never secure.  

    Just look at the Veterans Hospital situation.

    A worker took disks home with 1000's of peoples personal info.  Well, the guys apartment was "supposedly" broken into & wouldn't you know it all those disks were stollen.  So now, all their SS numbers & other info is out there for the taking.

    Nothing is safe.

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