
Not sure about bf moving in?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so im 16 and so is my bf and we have been together for 19 months and things are still going really strong.

However things for him at home lately havent been to good and my mum has suggested he moves in with us for a while. (Your prob thinking so why you moaning)?

Well the thing is I do really love him and would love for him to move in, but lately my friends have said im drifting away from them and that I never see them anymore.

So I dont want my bf moving in and my friends hating me even more, my bf is very important to me but so are my friends I really dont want to loose my bf or friends over this.

Any advice on what I should or could do?

Thank You





  1. Dear U-Haul:

    You in essence have answered your own questions.  If you are still struggling with the idea of what friends say versus the type of relation you share with your bf, this is a clear indication that you are NOT ready to live with him.  Having problems at home or not, why your mother would advocate for or even make the suggestion that he reside with you all temporarily is really not a good idea.

    At 16, aren't you like in HS?  What are your future plans?  Have you began applying to colleges/universities?  What about trade schools, are you interested in earning some sort of certification for future goals and employment?  Trust me, your bf will not be the first person male or female to experience problems at home--1/2 of your H.S. is probably in his position, ask him to seek out help via a family member of his own or a family friend.  At 16, you just don't have the tools and maturity to cope with living with someone you are romantically linked to--especially if that should go sour.

    Be smart, not impressionable.

    Good luck!

  2. I do not want you to take this as be being condescending, but you are 16!!!!! There are over 6 billion people on this planet. You need to get out there and see the world, and becoming tied down so young is not a good idea. I've known few people who meet the love of their life so young. Then the end up divorced and pissed noone said anything. Well I don't know  you but I'll say this. Do not let him move in. DO NOT. You have to enjoy being young. Your missing out on a lot being wrapped up with a boyfriend, your friends aren't saying that because they are just jealous they are saying it because they miss you, and they know you could be experiencing so much more.

    DO NOT LET HIM MOVE IN!! Talk to your mom and tell her, look I really love and care about him, but you are my mom and this is our home, and I need to have that seperate from my boyfriend.  

  3. If I was your mother, I'd run his *** off and would tell him I catch him around my minor daughter again, he's a dead man.  

  4. talk with ur bf abut it  

  5. um youre 16, your mother is an idiot for even letting her 16 yr olds boyfriend move in the first place. in a month you'll be knocked up and then what will she suggest then? killing an innocent life b/c she was stupid enough to think it wouldn't happen? come on, people, how stupid are people these days??? this is why we have so many unwanted babys in the world. tell you mother to use her head and common sense and tell you boyfriend to grow up and stay at his house till you both grow up and then take it from there. jees!!!!

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