
Not sure about windows xp updates

by  |  earlier

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is it bad to download windows xp updates. some people say you shouldnt but im not really sure plus my computers kinda slow so im worried it will take up alot of memory

so if i could get some advice if i really neet to put them on or if i dont have to




  1. see my youtube video on tweaks

    then download your updates..

  2. You should always download the latest updates for your PC.  Once in a while a manufacturer will post a update that causes problems for consumer's machines, but if they are respectable they will realize the problem and redo the update or create a fix.

    Notably the lasted Service Pack Update (service packs are a variety of updates bundled together designed to provide lots of updates to Microsoft software at once), Service Pack 3, is said to improve XP's speed.  How much it will help your system is up to debate.  Size of the updates should not be an issue, and I would recommend clearing junk from the machine to make way for updates rather than just not updating.

    Another issue is not using the automatic update service for Windows.  One of the primary reasons that service exists is to quickly fix Windows machines when a major hole is found.  If your computer does not immediately update with the fix, it will be vulnerable to attacks via the internet that cannot be blocked any other way.

    So, while most people don't update or don't know how to update their software, you should do it as often as possible to keep yourself and your data safe.  Also remember to update your firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware often if they don't remind you to do so (links below to free versions of each).

  3. there's really no reason why you shouldn't download them

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