
Not sure how 2 getting stressed!

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Ok so I'm going into the 8th grade this year and I'm kinda nervous because last year i couldn't study like i tryed but i didn't know sounds stupid but its like i just kept on reading and i couldn't remember almost anything so i did really bad on every single test! like really REALLY bad! And i really want 2 do good this year i wanna impress my parents and not always feel stupid. im sure a lot of u have been their though!.....

i get stressed easiely so when im stressed i get confused so when i get math, science or social homework i have 2 ask my dad 2 help i wanna b able 2 do it by myself!

thanks 4 all ur answers! i appreciate it!

p.s. my parents dont put any stress on me at all! so its just a matter of school





  1. It's no good if you only read. So better to read a small portion of a topic, understand it, and then write your own note on that.

    That way you can remember better.

    Don't feel stressed or stupid, you're still in 8th.

  2. You just need to break down study into manageable blocks. You can't just read and read because nothing will go in and after a while your brain switches off. Make a list of all the subjects you need to study and then under each subject a header which covers one particular topic. Some sort of chart could help. Then pick one header to look up and focus on and once that is studied (either by reading or taking notes) give yourself a break by getting some food, taking a walk, phoning a friend or something nice. Then go pick another header to study once you feel refreshed then take a break again. This worked for me so hopefully it will for you too.

  3. I had the same problem as you. I didn't learn how to study until I was a senior in high school. I got terrible grades in high school, but ended up doing extremely well in college because I had learned how to study. I transferred to a much better university and even graduated in the honors program.

    The trick I used was to make myself study guides. Writing things down is a great way to help remember them. Basically a study guide is a summary of your notes and the chapters in your textbooks. Before a test, go through your notebook with a highlighter and highlight the things that are the most important. Then go through the chapters in your textbook. Most of the time, textbooks have bullet points, info in separate boxes, or bold-faced/ highlighted names and definitions that make it clear what are the most important things to know in that chapter. Sit down with your notebook and textbook and a separate piece of paper, and go through each page, writing down all the important things you'll need to know for the test. If there's a long explanation of something, figure out how to condense it in just a few sentences. When you're done with the guide, review it a couple of times before going to bed.

    Not only is this a good way to study the night before a test, but now you have a really good guide for studying just before it. If you have any time to study the day of the test, you can just pull out your study guide and look it over. It's much easer and more effective than flipping through your notebook or textbook trying to memorize everything. Also, you can keep your study guides and at the end of the year, when you're taking finals, you review THEM instead of all your notes and textbooks.

    I promise, if you get good at making study guides you will see a huge improvement in your grades. Good luck!

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