
Not sure how to ask my parents...

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I really want to get into professional acting but I'm not sure how to ask my parents about it. I have three other sisters and I don't want my parents to have to spend tons of time and money on me. I have lots of experience and they know that, I just don't know how to approach them with it. Also we live in Illinois not California or New York. Any suggestions?




  1. it's all about the compromise! tell them how much it means to you, and try to say you will get a job to help pay for things. asking can't hurt!

  2. I am a teacher and a Mom.  Easiest way to get this past your parents - plan on majoring in theater in college.  Work your BUTT off to get into the best college you can - which means your academic grade better be tops, too!  Many people think that if you have talent in music, art, drama, etc, you can have mediocre grades.  WRONG!  

    If after all this this, you do NOT get accepted into a good theater school - but DO get accepted into a good college that offers OTHER majors - then you have your answer.  Those noble and inspiring stories about *triumphing against all odds, believing in yourself when nobody else did . . *  well, SOME of those are just nice stories made up by publicists.  This is WORK - and extremely competitive.  Not to be mean - but YOU may think that you are "one IN a million"  - but the honest truth? - you are one OF a million - or many more.  Regardless, I wish you luck - you will need PLENTY.

  3. Perhaps just talk to your parents how it is something you would like to pursue, they're your parents and I'm sure that they would help you to achieve your dream. But the truth is: acting or anything in the "show-biz" industry is VERY hard to get into, there are many talented people in this world but only a small percentage actually make it. In saying that, don't give up!

    Join (if you haven't already) a local theater company, check out university course guides and look for auditions for anything that interests you.

    If your like me and acting is something you really, really love, don't give up!

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