
Not sure how to handle a rude child...?

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I'm babysitting and the 7 year old is very rude to my 4 year old. Makes up stories to get him in trouble, calls him names and makes fun of him. Should I allow my 4 (almost 5)year old to handle this himself and talk to him about it before and after (to give advice, etc)the kid comes over or should I step in? Trying to teach him how to deal w/others since I won't always be there, but not sure if he's really able to handle this yet.




  1. Your 4 year old is too young to "handle it himself".  The 7 year old is bullying him.  You step in.

  2. You need to step up to the plate and protect your child, he should be your first responsiblity.  As far as the 7 yr old, you could be a good role model for him.  Maybe he isn't being taught manners at home and you could be a great help to him.  Just protect your 4 yr old first.

  3. Well, the one who's a punk will probably be one until he is in high school so you may as well help the 4 year old learn how to not take **** offa one of his peers.

  4. Kick his teeth in. That'll do the job.

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