
Not sure if I'm feeling baby movement? Need advice!?

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I am 17 weeks 4 days and everyone says I should be feeling movement by now. I do feel little "pings" sometimes, almost like a little pain in my abdomen...but I'm not sure if this is movement or just regular pregnancy pains. I haven't felt the "butterfly" feelings or anything like you think the little jabs I feel are movement? And when did you first feel movement? Thanks!




  1. I first felt movement around 20 weeks and it did not feel like a butterfly fluttering for me.  It felt more like twitching--like when your eye twitches, just in my stomach instead.  It wasn't painful at all, but it was kind of like little pings.  I'm sure if you wait a week or so and the movements get more consistent you'll be able to tell what's your baby and what's not!!  

  2. I first felt movement at 18 weeks, but I was not sure until 19 weeks that was what it was.

    It never felt like a little pain in my abdomen. I never felt flutters either. The best way I could describe it is that it was like there was a goldfish swimming in there and the goldfish would occasionally bump his head up against the bowl (my uterus). I actually at first thought it was gas - that's why it took me 1 week to figure out that feeling was not gas! It still kinda feels like the goldfish but a lot stronger - so strong I can see it!

    If you ARE feeling it don't worry if you feel it and then go a few days and not feel anything. It took 2 weeks for me to feel my son every day.

  3. I'm 17w1d and I started feeling like feathers running up and down inside.  It's kind of weird at first, but now I welcome it.  I think the little pains are round ligament stretching.....according to what my doctor tells me anyway.

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