I currently have only one rat, Templeton. He's a very happy, easily entertained boy that loves playing with me outside of his cage and riding on my shoulder. Recently I've been hearing a lot about how rats do very well in pairs and that they really enjoy each others company. I'm going on a week long trip in a couple of weeks, and since I know that my dad won't play with my rat, I've been thinking about getting Templeton a friend to play with while I'm gone. But I'm worried about the two rats fighting, and I'm afraid that Templeton will become aggressive or lose interest in me. This is my first rat, so I'm not sure where to turn right now. Last year I tried this with my guinea pig, Carmel, and it was a complete disaster. The new pig, Oreo, was very unfriendly and made Carmel a complete sourpuss. I don't want the same to happen to my little Templeton, he's so sweet and loving! Thanks for reading. (: