
Not sure if i should do this or not?

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last night this seemed like such a good idea. i actually couldnt wait to do it, but now im unsure about it. so, they say you should be able to talk to you gf about anything. theres a few things that i have kept bottle up inside of me for a really long time. some are about me, and others are about her and her friend. i want to take her walking monday after classes and basicly open that metaphorical bottle and pour everything out. i have never told anyone about my personal feelings, fears, and thoughts. she is the only one i feel comfortable talking to. also, when its just me and her without her friend, we really dont talk that much, so im hoping this will break the comm. barrier. here are some of the things i wanted to talk about. they may seem stupid, but they're important to me.

- i feel like i havent found my identity in this life yet. i really dont know who i am

- i keep everything bottled up inside of me and have never told anyone about anything that bothers me and she is the first one

- when her and her friend are together they have random convos. its hard for me to join in on those so i end up just sitting quietly. sometimes i do try real hard and end up making a fool of myself

- i can sense a closeness with her and her friend that we lack between us and i hope that we can eventually get to that point.

- i wanted to see where we are in the relatioinship. we've been together 5 months but 4 were apart due to summer from college

- what she would consider as clingy or smothering b/c i fear that i might end up like that. so if she tells me , i can avoid becoming that

- i wanted to talk about my fear of s******g something up between us

- when its me, her, and her friend, i feel like the third wheel

- and a few more things, but this is the main points

should i do it or not?




  1. Maybe you could write down your feelings in a letter to her.

  2. i think you should tell your girlfriend..they might be able to help you alot. if you keep all your feeling bottled up you will begin to feel lonely and depressed. trust me on this one as it happened to me.. tell her everything you told us on this and everything should be fine..if shes a good g/f she will understand.  Good Luck

  3. Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship. Go ahead and tell her the important things in your life and how you feel about your relationship with her. Just don't smother her with "woe is me" or that will turn her right off.

    As for her girlfriend, she is probably very close to her, but you showing jealousy of it and talking a lot about it, wouldn't be a good idea.

    I had a girlfriend when I met my (now hubby of 30 years). She was very jealous of us, and I had to split my time between him and her when she was around or I'd get a nasty comment from her. This might be the case of your girlfriend and her girlfriend. If the girlfriend is asked along with the two of you, it is only fair that your girlfriend spits her time with her and you or her girlfriend will feel left out. Don't let her give up on having friends because she is dating you. Friends of the same gender are VERY important in life.

    My girlfriend eventually accepted that we were an item, it ended up fine and she is very happy for hubby and I.  

  4. That's too much to read, do what the last poster says.

  5. u hv to tell

  6. do it ! do it ! be the man and tell her how u feel because if u can't tell her who can you tell, besides your  

  7. You probably should

  8. yes you should!

    gives you something to talk about, and im sure she wuold like to hear about all that.

    also, ask her abut those things too?

    get to know eachother more..

    you know??

    goodluck hun :)

  9. puberty-tell her everything

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