
Not sure if its good but hope u enjoy? hehe another poem from my head!

by  |  earlier

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The Breeze of Her

A night so cold, so frozen, so quiet,

Walking down a street and saw what only seemed an image

Was it my memories or imagination?

Was I going crazy or insane?

Walked and walked and everything was still

She was everywhere and at the same time, no where

Darkness was surrounding me

I no longer had the will to do as I wished.

In my mind I remembered that smile

You could see the innocents in her

That smiles that light up

Filled even the worse of hearted

I loved her and she felt the same

Question is why is she still in my head?

We deferred from each other, because of distance

We understood the circumstances

So why is she still following

Is she stuck, because of unfinished business?

No, that’s what I liked to believe

We finally departed from one another

We thought we found out,

Why we loved each other;

But in fact we didn’t love each other

We loved, the fact that we were in love…




  1. wow, great poem.

    kind of confusing a little bit to me but i understand it overall.

    veryy good

    tell me if you like my poem

  2. i love it

    "I no longer had the will to do as I wished."

    keep on writing. i think its fantastic, i especially like how the last line is so out there, unpredictable

    some advice, though, try not to say love/loved so much, it gets a little repetitive. also, try sticking to the thoughts and shy away from telling a story.some poems are meant to tell stories, this one is not.

    but over all, i love it. the way you feel as if you know exactly whats going on and like you know the story and how hes feeling, even though if you think about it you realize the you really dont. it leads the mind to believe otherwise

    fantastic (:

  3. It's very good!It's a bit puzzling.....!But i love the last two lines!

  4. wow is great. but i have advice for you when you write poems don't worry about what others say just  believe in yourself.i don't mean don't take any suggetion what i mean don't be discouraged by them.

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