
Not sure if my kitten have worms

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we were going to walmart and there was this guy who was holding a kitten and his friend was holding a poster that says Free Kitten and thus making us adopt the 6 week old kitten but we dont know if she got shots whatsoever or if she got worms cause we were caught in the moment on how cute the little kitten is.

Now my kitten is 10 week old and like sleeping in my bed and im afraid if it has worms cause it literally rolled on its litter box and then sleep in my bed and im scared that if it has some worms and it can make me sick or anyone in my family.I didnt see any white stuff on her p**p or anything coming out of her butt and im thinking what if something did fall out and it landed on my bed or in the carpet. Im really panicking so i need some help and plz dont say go to the vet cuz im going soon but not right now i need some answers like the signs if she have worms or what would happen if there's worms fell in my carpet and how would that affect me plz help




  1. almost all kittens and puppies in the world will either be born with worms (roundworms, hookworms) or acquire them from their mothers within the first week of life. it is almost certain that your kitten has worms. take it to the vet and get medicine to deworm it. it is inexpensive and is necessary. If the worms are left they will eventually kill your pet. DO NOT use any stuff you buy at the grocery store or malwart- get good effective SAFE medicine from your vet. The stuff in the store either does not work or poisons your kitten.

    keep everything clean as you can and get your kit to the vet. humans do not usually get parasites from cats and dogs unless they (humans) swallow infected f***s.. yuck!

    BTW- 6 weeks old is too young to be away from it's mother. it will need a bit of extra care and training but it is not tough to do. if they were outside of a malwart giving away a 6 week old kittens then the people obviously do not care about animals, I very seriously doubt that she has been vaccinated or even vet checked

    yes you can deworm her even if you are not sure, many pet owners deworm their pets on a regular basis as a precaution..just part of routine care, take the kit to the vet at any rate.

  2. Get this kitten checked out soon. They will ask you to bring a sample of it's poops. Then, they will look at it under a microscope to see if it does have parasites or not.

  3. Lol, calm down, you're fine. My cat has worms because of a recent flea problem (I think I brought one in from the outside) and Im going to the vet this week also. What they'll have you do is to bring a sample of her poo in so they can do a fecal test...either way, you'll have to bring your kitty in anyway so they can make sure she's had her vaccinations. And as for a worm falling into the carpet, have no fear. Just vaccum once a day to play it safe until you see the vet. Try not to let the kitty into your bed at night until she's been checked out, cause she could have a few fleas too (which is one cause of worms...flea larve located near the r****m.) Don't give her any store-bought de-worming meds or flea control, since she is still pretty young and can also have skin allergies. Just wait it out and have the vet give you their professional opinion!

  4. You don't need to worry about you getting worms from the kitty, but kitty does need to be wormed because worms can kill a pet.  Get your kitty to the vet sooner rather than later; its better for everyone.  Many vets do not charge for a first time visit for kittens and puppies.  All you need to do is buy the wormer and its not that expensive.

  5. get your cat dewormed its easy

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