
Not sure what's happening? Problems down there-ish?

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So for about a week now I've been having discomfort in my uterus bladder area. At some times it just kind of feels like I'm having intestinal issues but then it will get really painful for a few seconds and then eventually subside. Sometimes with the painful part, it'll go into my thighs and ache for a bit. It sort of feels like it could be period cramps except they're not like any of the cramps I normally have and I started the pill a couple weeks ago so in theory I shouldn't be getting my period for another 2 weeks but I know its possible for me to be getting my period. Just more a things are occurring down there kind of feeling than anything that I can pinpoint. Also, I've been having to pee a lot more lately.They're probably not all related, but you never know.

So, anybody have any ideas what could possibly be happening?




  1. You can feel menstrual cramps in a lot of different places sometimes... in your lower belly, across the front of your hips, in your lower back and even in your buttocks or down your legs.

    Your uterus is squeezing and sometimes sort of twisting, and that can be uncomfortable all by itself... but when it does that it can sometimes pull on the suspensory ligaments that hold it in position.  Those ligaments are attached to several other ligaments and muscles where they meet your pelvis, and a tug on any uterine ligament can sometimes make all the other tissues attached to the same area of the pelvis react as if *they've* been tugged at.

    That can cause pain that rates *really* high on the scale... but it doesn't happen to all women, and most have only some discomfort or minor to moderate pain.

    You probably ought to see your doc if they're like this all the time... especially if it happens between periods.

  2. I think this depends on how old you are, and whether your cycle has settled down or not.

    I would say, if it gets unbearable that you need to take panadol for the pain, do see your doctor for some advice :D

    Hope you get better


  3. that sounds pretty serious.

    you need to go to a clinic.... like NOW. it could be a lot of things including an ectopic pregnancy which could kill you if left untreated!


  4. You really need to see a doctor! There could be nothing ,but if it's serious,you need to know!

  5. I think this is all related to your new prescription for the pill.  :)  The hormones in the pill (estrogen and progesterone) are the same ones that cause your cramps during your period.  In fact, these are uterine cramps caused by the hormones - or that's what it sounds like to me!  A lot of women get cramps (and sometimes even bleeding) when they first start the pill.  This should stop after your next period. If it doesn't, talk to your doctor about trying a different pill with a different hormone dose.

    It is not uncommon for cramps to spread into your thighs and back.  It feels really achy and weird.

    The peeing is also probably related.  The hormones that are in the pill also help regulate your body's water retention.  When you get a lot of these hormones flooding into you, your body tends to let go of some of the water it's stored up, which will make you pee more!  (water retention is why some women get bloated and gain weight during their periods) Again, this should go away by next month, and if it doesn't, talk to your doc about switching to a different pill.

    If your pains get worse or stop feeling like menstrual cramps, go see a doctor.

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