
Not sure what to name our baby girl.

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I want to name her Kaelynn Avery and the father doesn't like it but he hasn't come up with any names himself. Should I just go ahead and name her this if he doesn't come up with any by the time the baby comes? I'm 6 months.




  1. Thats a pretty should try to get a name you both agree on or get him on board with the name you pick..if you just name her without his say, that could cause problems between the two of you down the road...I love it, though!

  2. No, do not name her Kaelynn, for several reasons.

    1.  Your husband has just as much right as you do-- is it really fair to name his daughter something that he doesn't like?  You know that if he did that to you, you'd be very upset.  A name should be something that BOTH parents LOVE.

    2.  Kaelynn is very trendy and will constantly need to be misspelled.  Both you and her will always be correcting people on the spelling.  It's so much unnecessary hassle.  

    3.  You still have plenty of time!  Lots of people don't know the name until they're actually holding the baby.  You still have three months left, don't worry.

  3. i would wait for him to think of a name he likes.if u like it too u should name her that!

  4. Name her if he doesn't help. That's a pretty name anyway.

  5. no don't name her that if he doesn't like it. he is her father and he will have to live with a name he doesn't like for the rest of his life for his daughter. you still have 3 months you guys can compromise on a name by then. ask him if there are any names that his has a little interest on. i am sure you guys can find a name you both love. maybe if your lucky he will grow into the name Kaelynn i think it's very cute btw.

    hope i helped!

    good luck:]

  6. I would keep thinking of names you like and bring it up to him until he finally finds one he likes. If he still doesn't have one he likes, then ask him if it's ok to use Kaelynn Avery. He may be thinking of names or one might come up that he absolutely loves.  

  7. Well you still have three more months.  I think you should give him a chance to come up with names.  Ask him to make a list and give it to you in two weeks.  You should also make a list of other names you like.  Then, in two weeks, you guys can sit down and compare lists.  You can decide together.  Don't rush the decision, as it is an important one.

    If the father is going to be in the child's life, he should have some input.  He is going to use the name on a daily basis.  He should associate it with something good, not remember the bickering that came from picking it out.

  8. maybe some other names with K. and A. initals?


    Kaelin Aerial

    Kaitley Aileena (i-leen-uh)

    Katee Aidan

    Kayleigh Alexandrine

    Kia Alice

    Some other interesting names are:

    Oceane (Oh-Shee-En)




    Lani (means sky; heaven)


    Noellah (No-Elle-Uh)

    Hope these help! Best of luck!

  9. Oh girl my husband did the same thing. I made a list of names that I liked and told him that this is what we had to choose from. We picked a name "together" that we both like now. Be sure to add a nice mix of names that YOU really like so no matter what YOU'RE happy with the end result :0) Good luck and congradulations on the baby girl!! (they're so much fun!)

  10. Kaelynn Avery is very pretty. i don't think you should give any consideration to what he might like. you need to get rid of him - he sounds dangerous. lose him.

  11. i am sort of in the same boat, i ask my fiancee all the time "do you like this name?" he says "No" so i say "Okay what about this name?" and this goes on and on, he should really like the name you choose after all its both your baby and the man loving the baby name is a great way to start bonding and have a connection because if he doesn't like the name it kind of puts a damper on things. i personally love Kaelynn (but i don't like Avery for a girl) your only 6months yet, give him some time to come up with something, I'm sure you'll change your mind a few times before the birth, everyone does :D

  12. I would use it but give him time and be patient with him.  

  13. Sit him down with a baby book and tell him to come up with some suggestions.

  14. I love the name, if he doesn't bother coming up with any other names I suggest you go ahead and name her Kaelynn Avery. He'll learn to love it because she's your daughter and also it's a very beautiful name. Best of luck.

  15. i like Kailyn more  

  16. I would comprimise it is yalls child not only yours try kaliegh

  17. What's important is that you like the name that you have chosen for your baby.I think mother knows best especially that you're the one whose been carrying her for 9 months in your womb.

  18. I could only imagine the difficulty...there are so many names!  go with what your heart tells you to do, you only get one name for the child and they are with it for life, so choose one you know you can live with...your name is interesting and modern, use this name if he comes up with nothing, of course, but my opinion? Kaylie (i don't know how to spell it) is a little less out there but yet still modern

  19. I personally think that if he cant come up with any suggestions of his own then he will learn to like the name that you have come up with or at least deal with it. But keep in mind that he is the father of the baby also and if he does come up with some ideas you guys should try to compromise.  

  20. That's a beautiful name. I'm naming my baby girl Caela Sage

  21. Well the first name is pretty but avery seems to be alittle boyish in my opinion. try lookin online or in a baby book that helped me out! congrats and good luck!

  22. you should name the baby girl crystel because that is a pretty name and it is a cut name to i hope that works. :]

  23. li like that nme

  24. i alsolutley love kaelynn! its one of my favorite names! i think you should def go ahead and name her it or he should give you an idea of what he likes. or ask him what he doesnt like about it... the first name? the middle name? the flow of the name? i think you should keep kaelynn! i like the name you have picked out. =)

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