
Not sure where to put this question??? kinda silly, but bothering me...?

by  |  earlier

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what does it mean when birds keep dieing around your house?? isn't it a sign of something? every time i go to my mom's house there is another dead bird either on the road in front of her house on on her porch... even one in the house? i may be superstitious, but i know it means something...??




  1. Your reading too much into this, don't worry about it. It's a natural phenomena that takes place in random spots for many different ecological reasons. Not to mention that a feline doesn't help matters too much as they are natural born hunters and will bring home dead things they find or kill. I've had this happen to me at a home or two in the past as well as some of my friends and relatives over the years. These things will usually take care of themselves and birds are wise animals and will move on from such an area after a while. The thing to do for now is just pick up the dead ones and to keep them away from your pets and toss or bury them and in time it will pass. Also, you may want to put a small jingle bell or two on your cats collar to give the neighborhood birds a heads up when the cats are near.

    Good Luck


  2. Same thing here.

  3. does she have a cat? my neighbors cat is always bring dead mice and birds to his doorstep

  4. West Nile Virus

  5. are the birds mangled?

    there could be cats, or other animals killing them.

    I have a cat who enjoys it.

  6. I always heard dead bird in the house means death in family

  7. It means you need to stop using windex!

    ( Lol no its not bad don't worry there are no omens hiding in your closet )

  8. someone close to her will die :( OMG i hope not but try to research it some more........hopefully and i hope 4 u and ur mom that its gud fortune :)

  9. It means birds should avoid your mothers house!

    What ever bad luck you might think it could mean it is far worse for the bird!

  10. The West Nile virus, possibly. That needs to be reported to the City (your). We had those in our neighborhood a few years ago, and the City came and sprayed. Checking on it would be a good idea. At the least, the City can probably tell you what to do.

  11. Its a bad omen.

  12. does she have a cat

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