
Not too much fetal movement at 26 weeks - is it normal?

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I am 26 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and have been feeling her move since week 17. I still feel her every day, but I wouldn't say it is very frequent or strong - just several moves during the day, then some extra kicks at 10-11PM (her most active time). Is it OK? At what stage of pregnancy babies move the most?

Also, when do kicks become really strong? My baby has graduated from flutters, but the movements are still quite gentle, not that strong as other mommies sometimes describe.




  1. Well you're almost 7 months so the movements should be getting stronger.  I had the same thing happen to me at about 28-30 weeks with my second daughter since I had not really felt her moving at all throughout the day.  When I called the hospital and asked, they suggested that I drink really cold water and the baby should move a little.  I think as long as you feel her moving throughout the day, you shouldn't worry about how strong the movements, or kicks, really are.  Just make sure when you go to the doctor to ask him/her to make sure that the umbilical cord is not around the baby's neck.

  2. Each mother and baby is different. I asked my doctor about fetal kick counts at my 24 week appointment and she told me not to bother. Her advice was if I felt the baby move even _once_ a day, then that was OK. I've seen advice saying ten times a day, or ten times an hour- really, I think my doctor's point was that if you feel her moving at all, then you can be pretty sure she's OK. She's probably just a really relaxed baby.

    Unlike mine, who is completely hyperactive and has been from 16 weeks. Apparently the most active time for babies is from 27 to 32 weeks of pregnancy because they're stronger and still have room to squirm around. My baby has kicked hard enough to make the cat get off my stomach since about 23 weeks, but just the last week or two she's really been moving hard- big heads and knees and elbows popping out every now and then. It may take longer for you- or you may not feel movement from the outside at all if your placenta is at the front (mine is at the back).

  3. i was told 10 movements in an hour is alright.  anything less drink something and laydown and try it again.  if not enough then call L&D to see what they say.  Mine weren't very hard at all only once in a blue moon could my hubby feel them too.  but my lil monster came out just fine:)

  4. They are most active during the seventh month. So you have about 2 more weeks. Unless you completely stop feeling her more then you should be fine, but you can talk to your dr just to ease your mind. For me at around 7 1/2 or so, when I laid my arm on my stomache she would kick so hard that my arm would come completely off of my stomach. But I am thought to be carrying a rather big girl, not sure if that makes a difference or not. Best of luck and congrats!!

  5. All I can think of is...its different for every mom & baby.  

  6. We are all different people with different babies inside of us! My baby girl was and still is kicking up a storm! I believe that it is normal.

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