
Not turn in my homework?

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i didnt do my homework and now have a detention how do i tell my mom i am in fifth grade??




  1. Be honest.  Honesty is the best policy!  Tell her you didn't do your homework and now you have a detention.   Let her know that you will be more careful in the future to get it done and you will try to make sure it doesn't happen again. We all make mistakes .... even as adults! She was a kid once too you know :)

  2. Tell her you didn't do your homework and now you have a detention.  Then tell her it won't happen again.  And make sure it doesn't.

  3. U GET A detention just because, u didnt do yer homework!? OMG!! Just go STRAIGHT out n tell yer mom. If she hits u or anything just run n call #911. But dont cry when she yells at u. Good Luck =]]

  4. well first of all is she strict just tell her that you had a hard day or you were tired but only tell her that if you really did have a hard day or you were tired don't lie i bet she would understand

    good luck

  5. Don't worry, when your mom gets your next report card she's going to find out anyway.  Your grades have already suffered because when you don't do your homework you can't get graded on it.  You don't have work to grade you fail the class...What are you going to tell your mom when Your reportcard says you've flunked?

  6. You'll just have to be honest and up front.

  7. Get the homework done then fess-up.

  8. Get your homeork done, and make sure it is done.  That way you are not issued detentions. I had one teacher if you didn't do your homework, you had to stand in the corner for 45 minutes.

  9. tell her the turth cause detention would be on your report card believe me lol

  10. tell her you put other things first before your priprities. explain you made a mistake and got punished. make it up

  11. ur in the 5th grade and u got a detention???unusual..but i noehow u feel.... i go to a strict schooll and some teachers are like that....the only thing u can do is tell ur mom buttt heres the trick u write it out in a makes them less me been there done that...lmao...then if she wants to talk to u she wouldnt even be mad....she'll juss say its O.K.

  12. The school will notify your parents.

    By the way, you can't use Yahoo answers if you are under 13 years old.

  13. tell your mom thruth that you didn't do your homework and now you have a detention because shes probaly gonna find out anyways so might as well tell her and get it over with

  14. tell her you didn't do your homework or turn it in and got a detention for it.

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