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okayy so this is wat it asks:

List five facts about your family. Then list five truths about them. How have you come to understand these truths?




  1. 5 facts could be like nationality, how many siblings you have, how big your family is, etc. five truths are things you've learned about living with your family and how you discovered the things you've learned about them

  2. "Facts" are incontestable: "There are three boys and two girls in my family, along with my mother and father. I am the eldest boy and second-oldest child" That is at least six facts (if you count adding having both a mother and father as two facts, not one).

    "Truths" may, in reality, be contestable. "We all love each other deeply." (Yeah - well your younger sister hates your older one for stealing her first boyfriend!!)

    But, what does saying "We all love each other" mean to you to make you say that? That, for instance, when something from outside threatens one member of the family you all come together to support him/her and present a united front to the 'threat'? That if somebody does hurt your older sister, your younger one will still feel pain for her about that - even if she still feels angry about the boyfriend?

    Take it from there and answer for YOUR family.

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