
Not using any staggering, how much longer is lane 8 vs lane 1 or 2 on a standard track?

by  |  earlier

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for distance running training, not competition, how far would lets say running 4 laps on lane 8 as opposed to running on lanes 1 or 2, approximately?




  1. i think it goes up by sevens. If you want to see, have someone stand on the start of lane one and then walk to the  staggered start of lane 8. That is the difference...

  2. It depends on the width of the lanes and the radius of the curve, but each lane is about 7 meters farther than the next inside lane.

    So lane two is about 407 meters and lane three is about 414 meters, and so on.

    If you ran 4 laps in lane 8 you would be running about 49 meters farther each lap so the total would be about 196 meters longer or about 596 meters.

  3. lane 8 is about 20m longer than 1

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