
Not wearing glasses/contacts cause a squint?

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Well this boy in my class told me that cos i'm short sighted, If I don't wear contacts or glasses, I'll end up with squint eyes.. :S

Can this really happen?

I've not worn glasses for around 6 month,





  1. yes without glasses/contacts, your eyes will look smaller as you tend to squint to see things

  2. no.

    edit: jelly & jimmy...the poster/asker is not talking about "squinting" like nearsighted people "squint" or slightly close their eyes to help them see better (pinhole effect).  he's referring to STRABISMUS:

    which in Europe and especially England is also called a "squint".  i suspect the poster/asker is from England.  gotta be.

    its for this reason and this confusion that MOST medical professionals stopped using the word "squint".

  3. My eyes do squint and I need glasses but I get called names with them so ,I'd wear contacts if you can you don't want to look like a fish with squinting eyes

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