
Not your typical Capricorn?

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I'm becoming very interested in Astrology, especially about my own sign. (Capricorn.) I was born on Dec. 27, 1987. And I know that I have Mars in Scorpio or somthing along that line, but I was wondering about somthing.

I read everywhere that Capricorns have a deep respect for authority and a love of family. I on the other hand have NO respect for authority and my family doesn't really play a major role in my life.

I follow all the other traits such as appearing to be cold and unapproachable, fickle with money, bearing great responsibility, being more deep than most etc. I match the basic physical traits to a T and so on.

I was just wondering what the deal was with the no respect for authority or family?(Not that I'm complaining lol)




  1. Well there are other planets that influence your sun sign  (such as mars, moon, rising sign, mercury, etc ,etc ) everyones planets are placed differently based on their time of birth therefore effects certain personality and characteristics. Thats why you won't find another Capricorn like you.

  2. There is something called a "Rising Sign" in your chart. It means the Planet that was rising on the Horizon, at the time you were born. That has a tremendous influence on you.

    That Planet and others in the Houses they belong to, also influences you.

    It is not so simple as you say. Then all the Caps in the World would be exactly alike. We are all unique. Chart is like a finger print; each a different one.  

    The exact time of Birth will determine the Rising Planet. Check it out.

  3. Hey!!

    You know, i have been asking the same question lately!!

    and what a coincidence i am also a Capricorn like you!

    i know that Capricorns are supposed to be hard-workers and respect authority...and all that...but that doesn't describe me a bit....i am not a hard worker....when i am going to face exams, i don't read or practice hard enough...while my friend spends 3 hours one go!!


    there are many different aspects that make your personality different from what it should be....

    you became a Capricorn because the Sun was occupying Capricorn when you were born, but what about other planets? you say that you don't respect authority...because there was a planet which occupied another sign, like mars occupying Sagittarius..this aspect may give the tendency to act against authority...etc

  4. I think your non-astrological upbringing also influences the way you channel your basic astrological energies. Like, when they say you're family-oriented, maybe for you "family" means your social life, who could be more meaningful to you than your real family (parents & siblings).

    I agree with the person above me. It could all flip... Caps are known to be faithful but I know a Cap guy friend who's very insecure and consequently he became a major player whose expertise is lying =p

  5. it can sort of flip..caps can become rebels, libras can become really rude, scoprios can become asexual, geminis can become really quiet etc.

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