
Nothing better to do with their time?

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It's interesting sometimes to note the thumbs up and thumbs down, and it's often a pretty good indication of whether it answered the question. But there are other questions like "who's your favourite player" or this one >;_ylt=AoKQ7PNJyNuwjG.3B69hXD_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080619174455AAXsva7&show=7#profile-info-5673ef8ed5e8008f074e69bcf4c7d2b9aa>

How in the world can somebody give a thumbs down to an answer to question that HAS no right answer? Are people just scrolling through the section giving thumbs downs to every answers that's not theirs? I don't really care that much, but just something I noticed....




  1. Maybe some of them are trolls. There are going to be times people don't agree even if there is no right answer, and they feel it's their duty to leave their mark by giving a thumbs down. It's also possible someone has a strong opinion the thumbs-down giver doesn't agree with, and to be mean that person gives thumbs down to every answer that particular person gives.

  2. haha thats soooooo true. LMAO! Its a personal question with no right or wrong answer.

    I think its hilarious im glad you pointed that out now when questions are asked like that im gonna look at the thumbs up and down and just be like wow

    Joe- whats wrong with living in your mothers basement? JK JK lol

    Joe- haha nope im very far from being a man and 40 haha

  3. I have no idea. The thumbs up & down as I see it ARE suppose to be a way to sort of vote for best answer.  before the official buttons get pushed. I guess maybe if you just don't want to put in your own answer (like if you already see it. Than just to agree with it.) like there was a Ken Danyeko 9actually 2) so I voted as one of those the best answer. (it was that or Stevie Y..but  i don't get to watch the wings much so I went for Dan-o

  4. Yeah kinda lame! Obviously the people who do that have no lives! I usualy love giving Thumbs ups!

  5. I don't really know what trolling is. I know it's when people give you thumbs down w/o reading your answer to the question but is it everyone or just people that make them mad.

    Some people when it comes to those kinds of questions give people thumbs down just because it says favorite team and it's not their team. (back in the finals I got a lot of thumbs down just for being a Pens fan).

    That's all I can figure along with the puckbunny thing. Ditzy people or people who act ditzy usually get a lot of thumbs down.

  6. some users like LITY just like to do it to make themselves feel better

  7. Very true, unfortunately these people have no lives.

    I get a singular thumb down almost for all my answers...

    It ticked me off. But I don't care anymore.

    I didn't know there was a wrong answer for who my favorite player/team is.

  8. sad actually. someone is doing it and finding it entertaining.

  9. I can't speak for anyone else...but I'm a thumbs up junkie...unless your a puckbunny or troll...I'm giving you a thumbs up!!

  10. What trolls do is they have multiple accts and they thumb everyone down THEN change accts and do it again.Living in their mothers basement can be very lonely and boring apparently.There are some that report all answers and questions and get some suspended (ie. me cough cough).

    Is that Spaceboy above me?What up?

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