
Nothing on my desktop works. why?

by  |  earlier

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today i have been on the computer a few times and nothing was wrong, then just about an hour ago, i exed out th program and it went down but the picture stayed up. meaning i could still see the page i just had up, even though it wasn't in the task bar. and i let the computer restart and and cool down. now , nothing on my desktop is working. i cant click on them or anything. its like they are fuzzed to the desktop, and not even shortcuts anymore. what do i do?




  1. probably a virus

  2. Try running your anti virus from disk if you have one. and you'll need a registry fixer.

  3. Sounds like a nasty infection, check out AVG.  If that doesnt help check out  for more help

  4. Reboot your system again, and see if it will work properly. If not, use the Run dialog box and open Event Viewer. To open Event Viewer without knowing its proper name, type mmc and hit OK or Enter. In the Microsoft Management Console, (it will be empty) click to highlight Console Root, then click the File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in, and in the new dialog box under the Snap-in category, locate Event Viewer, click on it, and then click the Add button between the two list boxes. This action adds the Event Viewer to the Console, then simply click OK. The dialog box closes, and the Event Viewer is added to the console. Click on it under the Console Root to activate, and then begin searching for errors.

    Look in different areas of Event Viewer, such as System, or Applications. Errors of this magnitude probably will be under System, but you never can tell. Once you see any recent errors you can click on the blue link under the description for your browser to open and perhaps provide additional information on how to troubleshoot or solve the issue.

    You could also go to the Microsoft TechNet groups for more expert help. The folks who help there are all volunteers and are highly knowledgeable. They often work in the field and are considered experts. They help out at these forums as a service to the Internet community. You need a Passport to post, but can read as many posts as you like without one. Be sure to search the forums for any resolution as others possibly have had similar issues which were already resolved. If you still need help, and you found a thread that is close to your issue, post to that thread, as it will then be put at the top of the list.

    If you have a Hotmail or Windows Live Mail email account then you have a Passport. If not, you can use any email account you have, you do not need to create one just for this purpose. Just click on the New Question link at the top of the forum list, and then after you are taken to the Log-in page, click the link to Create a Passport.

    Good luck and I hope this resolves quickly, please have a nice day.

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