Well this is my first question ive asked on Yahoo so here it goes..
Over the last 6 or so months i have noticed that things ''are not as great as they used to be'' i used to have a great bunch of friends in college boys and girls, girlfriend, constant laughs everything i could ask for really! But things have changed quite a bit now alot of my friends have gone to Uni or other colleges, i also broke up with my girlfriend who i was with for just over a year (who was in the big group of friends to). Me myself am off to a new college in the same town to study another course but i cant say i am looking forward to it, the few friends that have stayed in the town im pretty close with and go out at the weekend to our clubs to which keeps me pretty busy. Its just things arnt like they were before, when i look back everything seems perfect but now to the present day its alot more dull and boring, i think i have changed myself i used to be bubbly and make new friends easily but that seems to have died and i struggle to make the effort to meet new people or approach new people, overall it seems like my life has dulled down and is no where near as good as it was and doesn't seem to be picking itself up in any way or form :/ so yeh, i just feel like ive been left behind / alone, and want things to pick up so i can get on and enjoy my life
So im just asking, and i hope i get some great responses on what to do? I want to listen to other peoples story's! Anything similar happend to you? Will things pick up? Anything you recommend? Maybe im scared of change?
Much love to you all <3