
Nothing to photograph... ideas?

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One of my hobbies is photography. It's great fun.

But it seems that I have nothing to photograph. I love taking photos of still life... plants etc, as well as non-living objects. I've used everything I could find in my house, and out the backyard.

Does anyone have any suggestions, as to what I could photograph, or where I could go to get some unique shots?




  1. go to the library or bookstore an look at photography books.  Might sound weird but you will definitely get some good ideas, plus you get to look at some great photography.

  2. Drive out to a rural place and look for farm animals. Right now there are lot of farm babies they are sooo cute. Go to the animal shelter they might let you take pictures there. How about some railroad tracks or fountains. Look up your city on google and see what they list as the things to see in your city you might find something interesting to go see and shoot.

  3. Nature


    Pets/wild animals



    And the things u already did in a new perspective

  4. do you have a macro lens? Get up close. That changes everything.  

  5. Well, photography is about what catches your eye, you can't just ask people what you should photograph, its about things YOU see and like.


  6. Go out to certain places, and take some pictures of sceneries, places, cities, people, etc..

  7. 1st of all i agree photography is fun. I'm majoring in it in college. I know what it feels like when you just can't find something to photograph.

    I say just take you camera with you and eventually you subject matter should just jump out at you.

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