
Notice canadians say 'aboat' instead of about?

by  |  earlier

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Like instead of out they say 'oat' hahaha and instead of without they say 'withoat'. And they always say 'a' after every sentence, especially in life with derek




  1. If you think about it, and actually say out loud, "oat" then "out" you will notice they sound the EXACT same.
    Just like "aboat" and "about"
    As for saying "eh", we use that to confirm a question most times.
    Canada FTW!

  2. depends on region.  Our charming Maritimers may say "aboat".
    Less charming Ontarians say "about"

  3. ITS SPELT 'EH!?' GET IT RIGHT , lmaoo really though, everyone has an accent there is no 'proper' way to talk, and for all those americans, and canadians who say they dont need to get a reality check.

    p.s. i say all the words you mentioned in the steriotypical was a canadian should say it :P thats so funny eh?

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