
Notice how on ANSWERS if a teen asks "am I pregnant" everyone says yes, but if a ttc'er asks, people say...?

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I see this everyday on here. Some scared teen who fooled around with her boyfriend and has a late period (but a negative hpt) asks if we think she's preggos and most people will tell her yes and chastise her for having unprotected s*x. However, when a women trying to conceive asks the very same question many people will say "no, your just late" or "wait a week and try again" or "its highly unlikely, you need a blood test though". Why is this?

Just wondering :)




  1. I notice that too. Basically just like in the real world there are alot of judgmental and self righteous people on YA. They feel it is their place to chastise and cast judgment on the teen (make them feel bad for being irresponsible and scare them crapless all at the same time).

    As for being a ttcer myself I notice this, that alot of times people will say oh you're just stressed or it's old reliable AF on the way, some are just insensitive and don't know that it is their negativity that is making you that much more frantic and less hopeful, others just don't care are just plain insensitive. Some can't conceive and are hating on your situation (you'd be surprised but its not unheard of as women get jealous when they try to conceive cycle after cycle only to fail I've seen it to the point now where certain ttc forums have specific abuse guidelines/rules that cater to this very issue "jealous ttcers".

    As for me I try to answer neutrally and stick to the facts, after all sometimes it can be a whacky cycle or that the woman is indeed pregnant, but who's to really tell except a good old pee stick or a doc?

  2. I havent noticed and am not sure why people do this. I think it's best to wait until you miss a period to test, b/c if you have a negative you are only gonna wonder if it is correct or done correctly and just want to retest. At least w/a missed period, you know it has to be something going on.

  3. Honestly, I think either way there are always people who say yes and there are always people who say no to the same questions, or at least that is what I have experienced. You are always going to have people who see the glass as half empty and those who see it as half full.  

  4. I think it is funny that anyone believes that a computer will tell them if they are pregnant or not. Ha ha :)

  5. so true! lol

  6. lol you're right.

    I always try to reassure those scared teens and tell them to use protection next time (instead of telling them to not have s*x cause I know it will not happen! come on!) I think other answerers just want to scare them into abstinance.

    But for TTC-ers I always try to stay neutral... I got hopeful and then disapointed so many times.. .I don't want to put someone through those same feelings. I always do hope for the best, tho.

  7. Well, the answer is plain and simple.  Young girls are still fooling around and tempting fate, all the while knowing that they could in fact be pregnant.  It seems very irresponsible to me.  As the old saying goes "if you play with fire you will get burnt".  Meanwhile, there are soooo many ttcers out there that desperately want to have a child, but are having difficulty.  To them these silly questions are unfair and will get a mixed response.  I was a ttcer myself for 6 months, and you want a baby so badly that you get pregnancy symptoms whether or not you are pregnant.  I know, I have been there.  I have a 14 year old daughter, and the thought of her being pregnant tears me up.  She is just  a young adolescent, not ready for a child, but living her life like all young girls should do.  I guess when older mums see questions like that, they get angry and ask what the world is coming to, young teens having babies - it's wrong.  There is a difference between a young girl getting pregnant and a woman ttc a baby - a huge one.  

  8. well, teens will find out sooner or later if they are preggo. I guess we all will, but I think people just like to scare the kids! which is a good thing almost lol. For us TTCers, either they're jealous and/or skeptical, or they just don't want to sugarcoat the situation and say YES, YOU PROBABY ARE PREGNANT, when they really may not be.

  9. i agree. i see it all the time too. but people should know that if they're asking just "anyone" than they can get "any" answer.  

  10. Never noticed this before, but you're actually pretty dead on about it.  

  11. Well these kids who are really not wanting to get pregnant yet are still having s*x, I feel the need to tell them they are so MAYBE just MAYBE (doubtful though) they will learn their lesson if they turn out not to be.  None of them realize that you can get pregnant no matter what method of birth control you use (except abstinence!) and no matter what day of your cycle you are on.  As for people who at TTC, I don't want to get someone who is really praying for a baby's hopes up, I just give them the best answer I can give :)

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