
Notice how you are not hearing much about Biden's son, Hunter? ?

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The media will not be bringing him up much, he is a lobbyist. Strangely, he was working for a bank when the bankruptcy reform bill. Joe Biden voted in favor of the banks.




  1. Its funny they picked Biden. There are so many issues that he has differences on Obama with. Biden is for the war in Iraq-voted for it. Obama says hes against it.  

  2. Hunter may be a little tied up right now.

  3. You know nothing about politics. Don't attack someone who's mother and baby sister were killed in a car accident that also injured him significantly. Politics is a game, and you should learn it, if you want your side to win.

    That is not even bothering to mention his brother, who was also injured in the wreck, is serving in Iraq. Obama and his peps are smart political cookies. For the first time, I am thinking they might actually win this.

    Hey Jeeper if you are the one that gave me a thumbs down, let me ask you, when does he deploy, and when is the election. The point is, attack the old man, it would be tough, but you can do it. don't attack the kids. You (WE as I want mccain to win) should be able to, since the douche puts his foot in his mouth every 43 seconds, but don't attack the kids. It negates everything you say against the old man. Truely thinkg about it, what was Bushes approval rating, and how did he lose in 2004. It's simple, the idiots picked Kerry. I could win against that guy. It's all about winning. Think about this, demmy, Clinton won even though his wife was involved in whitewater. They don't care about the spouse of the president elect, why would they care about Biden's kid?

  4. how about bides other son who is in Iraq?  

  5. Is he the one that served in the Army?

  6. The vice president's children are very rarely an issue. I can only hope Obama's 9 year old daughter remains a non issue.

  7. Of course not.

    PS: Bidens son is not in iraq, nor has he ever went to iraq.

    he is scheduled to go to Iraq with his national guard unit, in Oct.

    At least he isn't a draft dodger like his old man.

  8. Not really, you do not hear much about McCain's son Andrew resigning from the board of a failing bank either.

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