
Notice that driving cars doesn't get the negative stigma of being heavily supported by the government?

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While the under funded train network is made out to be a big welfare case.




  1. With all the tax we pay to actually DRIVE there's absolutely no reason to compare it to the train.

  2. Thats because lots of people drive cars

    not that many people (relatively speaking) ride trains

    people are NOT going to say they are getting unfair subsidies but it's ok to think someone else is.

    I realize Amtrak does not have the best track (sorry, couldnt help myself) record for wise use of public funds but the thing to do is clean up the thing, not toss it out the window.

    $$ spent on public transportation benefits people in many ways that are hard to quantify on the bottom line to short shghted politicians wont take the initiative to do it.

    Countries that have good, reliable and affordable public transportation systems see many benefits. Many people in Europe dont own cars, not because they cant, but with good public transportaion they are not necessary.

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