
Notice to vacate?

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I live in an apartment in Texas. I was given a three day "notice to vacate" warning today by my landlord. This is because I owe them about $240 in back rent and charges. (My actual rent is $520.) Along with the notice to vacate, I also got a three-day "lockout" warning. This warning said my apartment may have its locks changed in three days, and it mentioned that if I paid what I owed, I wouldn't be locked out. But does that still mean I have to move out?

I got these two notices today, and I was able to get the money, and I do plan to pay them in full tomorrow, first thing in the morning. If I do that, will they still kick me out? Is that likely?




  1. If you pay, you shouldn't be locked out. They just want their money

  2. They are threatening and by law a person has 30 days to vacate. Since you have the money go pay him and he will let you stay and if not then he wil have to take you to court for you to vacate the apartment.

    I live in Texas.

  3. More than likely, if you go to him first thing in the morning, give him the money and talk to him about your situation, he will let you stay. He doesn't have to , however. You broke the contract.


    Evictions in Texas MUST be filed in the county and precinct where the property is located. Complete the “Eviction form for Texas” and have it notarized or sign it in front of one of the Court Clerks. Bring a copy of your “Notice to Vacate” along with the eviction form and any copies that you would like to have for your own records.  You’ll be given a court date when you file your eviction with the Court.

    There are basically four steps in the Texas Eviction process:

       1. The notice to vacate

       2. Filing the Suit

       3. Going to Court

       4. Writ of Possession

  5. As long as you pay up, they shouldn't evict you. For the most part they make threats just to get their money.

  6. No you will not be kicked out if you pay what is owed.

  7. Well, while those notices my be threatening they maybe worthless? You still have the right to go to court and fight the owner and get 30 days or more to leave if it comes to that. I would say your landlord is just trying to frighten you into paying and from what I'm hearing from you it's working huh?

  8. Your landlord can threaten until he turns blue in the face.  Even if you do not pay them tomorrow (although I suggest you pay them any back fees owed as soon as possible) you do not have to move out.  They need to go to court and win an evicition case against you first. Good luck!

  9. For the business part on their side, they probably want someone they know will bring in the money.  

    It depends on what the rules are.  Every place is different.  Try to speak to the property manager about it.  If you CAN, offer to give them rent money in advance to show them how serious you are about staying there (if you even want to still be there).    Make sure you get proof you paid, though.

  10. I'm actually a property manager (landlord) and I know about this stuff.  First, look at your lease.  Make sure your landlord has the right to move so quickly as 3 days.  

    Secondly, your lease should also state whether or not the landlord can still evict you if you pay before the eviction date.  Some lease will say you can remain on the premises as long as you pay others will say that the landlord has the right to take possesion if they feel necessary-anytime.  

    If you never signed a legal written lease than you will have to ask your landlord directly.  If you don't agree with what they have to say (and there isn't a formal lease to follow) then you can take them to court in order to remain in the space.

  11. They would be terribly mean hearted if they still kicked you out!!.

    But, if you have the full amount of what you owe them, then you should be safe!!.

    People like to scare you alot, especially when we are going through some rough times with Ressesion...But everybody seems to need money right now, and if they did kick you out, (I'm not saying they will), they would be the losers in the end!!.

    As properties are just sitting vacant right now, as people can't afford high rents..And if you left they would more than likely put up the rent on someone else!!.

    Did you get the notice served through the Police??

    If you did...then you need to not only contact your Landlord, but you need to also go to your Court House with the Notices, and your money...You may have to pay the over due rent at the Court House to settle this!!...But, only if your Landlord wants to settle it this way.

    Believe me, my family and I have been through this unfortunately more times than we want to remember, but you learn what to do when you are panicing, and up against time!!.

    So, yes I am experienced in your Question!!!.

    Try to come off really nice to your Landlord, kinda kiss up the best you can!!...This will either win them around, or maybe give you more time!!!.

    Either way....Good Luck!!!!.....I wish for the best for you!!!.

  12. i don't know it sounds like you might have to leave  you can probably talk to the landlord if he can let you stay but i don't know your rent history if this is a constent problem for you then he probably won't let you stay but if this is the first time then maybe he will

  13. why dont you ask your landlord and not yahoo answers
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