
Noticed a lump on my 1yr's rib took him to a doc he said its not a hernia or any kind or inflammation?

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of any kind it just seems to be the bone. hes not in any pain at all it just seems to be his rib unusual for one side to be slightly bigger than the other does anyone know what it could be the doc said dont worry but ask a pediatrition to look at it .but i cant help wondering what it may be would anyone have any ideas?




  1. Out of curiosity what kind of doctor did you go to?  Most parents bring their kids and babies to a Pediatrician all the time.. Unless they did blood test and xrays (if you went to an urgent care of Er) I would seek another opinion. If it is not an insect bite of any kind and is in the layer of epidermis, most likely it is just a cyst of fat cells that clumped together, usually they go away or can be removed, but being a1 yr old I would guess they would just watch and wait unless it gets infected.  (red, painful and warm to the touch that may or may noot ooze pus)

  2. First, remember that all DR's make mistakes. No, I'm just kidding. lol.

    Really remember that we all have body parts that are longer, or irregular from our others. So, don't doubt it could be natural.

    My son has REALLY WEIRD ribs. They kind of stick out at the ends. Its creepy and weirds me out! lol.

    I try to remember also, that his body is still growing, so its not exactly permanent.

    If your DR suggested you go to a pediatrician, I'd go. What could it hurt? Maybe you find a DR that specializes in this sort of field - ribs, or upper torso, and get their opinion.

    Its good to be cautious, just don't be so worrisome, and keep your eye on it, just in case. Maybe it WILL turn out to just be some oddball natural thing. :)

    Best Wishes. God bless.

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