
Noticed some odd behaviors in myself and others have told me?

by  |  earlier

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well heres what i do:

1) i feel impulses to eat excessively

2) I sleep 12 to 16 hours a day and have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings

3) I am super fidgety or so i am told

4) i am always tired and sore with a usually constant head ache

if i get cut short on sleep the rest of the things still continue. i am confused if this means something?




  1. some of the odd behavior i did notice is that you sleep for like 12 - 16 hrs..for a healthy body only 8 hrs of sleep is necessary..well get out of your bed and if you feel you are tired just do some exercise like push ups or running..well,if you eat a lot,exercise would be good.. if you have a headache it would be good if you go to a are normal..but be active and enjoy everyday, spent time with friends, cousins...

  2. You should definitely go see a doctor. He'll know best.

    It could be a # of things, and lots of ppl will give you many different answers on here, so it'll will be difficult to tell. You're doctor will know best !

    I know that MONO causes people to become tired, which might be why you get so much sleep. You obviously have the TIME to sleep that much so you're taking advantage of it..

    I have low iron and that also makes me very tired & hungry so my doctor has prescribed medication which has begun to help already.

    If you're always tired that might be why you're always fidgety.. & I THINK i may have heard that sleeping to much only makes you more tired.. (well i know that if you go to bed late and wake up late, thats bad for you).. ex: going to bed at 2 in the morning and waking up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon..

    But yeh,  i definitely suggest you go see your doctor.. Hope i helped at least a little :)

  3. I might agree with the depression diagnosis, but the fidgety, sore, constant headache would have me dismiss that diagnosis.  It could be a multitude of things, and I don't have a license to practice medicine, but I've endured all the same symptoms you've described due to hypothyroidism, which can cause secondary symptoms of depression.  I lived with what professionals like to call sub-clinical symptoms for many years before TSH levels became severely low.  Since that time, I only feel good when taking natural hormone replacement (made from mammals), not synthetic hormone, and when my TSH levels are at the very lower end of the low scale (doctors don't seem to want to accept the report of individuals, but want to put everyone in a scaled-box).  You'd do yourself a service by making an appointment with your PCP as soon as possible.  And, since you appear to be female, you may have to become very proactive in your health-care, do much research on your own before you go to the doctor, and learn if any other symptoms of hypothyroidism fit what you're experiencing.  I would also suggest that you become highly persistent when discussing your symptoms with your physician.  Best of health to you!!!

  4. It sounds like depression to me.  Every one of those is a symptom of depression.

  5. you need to go to a trained person for that but i would say try to think of ways to get u motivated i would say put a reward for yourself you you actually can see a purpose 4 your goal like spend a night with someone you don't usually see go to a manicure place anything you can think of that will keep u motivated.

  6. It really sounds like you may be depressed. If you are young, can you talk to your parents or some understanding adult whom you trust? Or you could talk to the family doctor. You have my sympathy. I have had my share of headaches and hate them. A pain anywhere else, you can try to ignore or distract your mind by reading, but when it's inside your head...!

    It would also be helpful to make sure you eat a healthy diet, avoid sugar, fried foods and junk foods and get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially vegetables. Eat beans and whole grains and drink plenty of water.

    If your health permits, get some exercise every day. Take a walk.

    Before bed, read something you can really enjoy, but that isn't too exciting. If you have a way of listening to music that won't bother your family, like an i-Pod, put some of your favorite music on it and listen to that in bed awhile. Try to have something pleasant to do in the morning, if you can, so that you look forward to getting up (I know that this isn't always easy.) because too much sleep can make people feel tired, too.

    Last, but not least, don't spend hours and hours in front of the TV. That can contribute to tiredness, gloom, and aches here and there.  

  7. it sounds like depression. are you sad all the time, or at least apathetic?

  8. i have those symptoms 2 but i'm not depressed. maybe ur going 2 sleep 2 late cuz i go 2 sleep around 1 or 2 usually and wake up around 1 or 2pm. as much sleep as ur getting if u dont go 2 sleep @ a normal time ur body wont feel completely rested and since ur body is tired and u dont realize ur probably eating 4 more energy. headaches r from not enough sleep. but i'm not sure about 3. i get that feeling but idk what its related 2

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