
Nottinghill carnival........?

by  |  earlier

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More and more people who live in the immediate area surrounding the carnival route, are electing to go away for the weekend, with a ; let them get on with it type of attitude.

Do you think, that the proposals made several years ago to stage it in Hyde park was a feasible option.

Is it an excuse for muggers to make a fast buck, i did hear that some locals even bet on the amount of reported muggings and serious injuries sustained by carnival goer's .

Will you be going? if so, what precautions will you be taking to ensure that you do not become a statistic of crime.




  1. I wouldn't go if you paid me £1000.

  2. No, my partner and me never go to the Notting Hill Carnival - not since the 1960s anyway - back then it was pure Caribbean - not sure it is now.

    Notting Hill Carnival 2008

  3. well I went last year and had an amazing time - so many colourful fun people and the music and food was fantastic.

    I looked after myself in the same way I would in any crowded area which is that I had a bag which I kept my hand on all the time and I didn't leave my valuables in places that can be pick pocketed.

    The only annoying thing is that a lot of tube stations are closed or exit only so I had to walk a way to find a way back but I had a blast and really enjoyed myself - would recommend!

  4. Stage it in Hyde Park?? That defeats the whole point, and will just turn it into another festival like all the others. It's one weekend out of the year for goodness sake - people committing crime at the carnival would only be doing it elsewhere. At least the event is policed.

    I love it and go every year.

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