
Novice Crew team coxswain?

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I am a novice high school coxswain- I cox a girls novice 8 boat. None of them know what they are doing and they are not very respectful- also, any loss we may have, they blame on me. I know that it is partially my fault but they refuse to accept that it is there part too. What do I do?




  1. First, you just steer the boat. No point yelling instructions to people who ignore you.

    If they can't row, that is on each one of them.  Ask, "I'm sorry, who controls your oar handle ?"

    A rowing 8 is the ultimate team sport.  Everyone must follow the oar farthest to the stern.  No one else moves their oar even a fraction of an inch unless Stroke seat (8) does.  Same with slide.  8-seat does not move, no one else moves. Torso swing, too. And no one puts their oar in the water except when stroke does, same to take it out.

    Your rowers first job is to close their mouth, and only open it to breath better.  Whoever talks the most, put furthest away at bow or 2 seat.  Seats 8 and 7 are your two smartest athletes, as everyone must follow them.  See who the leaders seem to be in this pack of morons.  Put them at 8 and 7.  Ask them what they want to do.  Make them be in charge, and they deal with the loud mouths.

    Actually tell the coach, and ask if you can make them run or do other off the water drills until they learn to listen and follow instructions. He should give you permission.  You can even do a Simon Says game to get the point across.

    Once they can follow directions off the water, you try on the water.  

    Start with rowing stern pair only. They should be smooth, after 10 strokes, switch to 5 & 6 for 10, then 3 & 4, then bow and 2.  If they can do ok in pairs alone, there is hope.

    Next 7 & 8 again, then add 5 & 6 for 10 with them, then add 3 & 4 for 10 more, then add bow and 2.  

    Don't allow any s******g up.  When you want to stop, 7 & 8, and the rest, should hold water to bring the boat to a stop.

    You should know other water drills to do.  Don't tolerate any sloppiness, but have the better athletes be your enforcers.  If four of them just can't get their act together, tell the coach there are 4 worth working with, and 4 to cut. The coach will take it from there.

    If all 8 suck, then politely tell the coach that you have better things to do with your time, and you really don't want to try to train people who don't appreciate your time or their own.  Then they can find another coxswain.

  2. Tell them your not the one paddleing the boat, haha. The boat can go with paddlers and  w/o a coxswain (not well but it can), but there is no way a boat can go with a cox and no paddlers. You guys gotta fig out how to come together as a team. Stop being easy and nice on them, and make them work, ride them. Or you can take the silent approach, and let them "try" and fight it out, and they can see how bad they are w/o a cox.  But during the race when the coach isn't around, that then becomes you, yell scream do what ever it takes to get them to listen, once you have their attention, make them respect you, then have some fun as a team.

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