I'm a beginner and I've come a long- and I mean LOOOOONG way since I started. I was hoping some of you could share your stories with me because I wonder if I am the only person who's struggled this much with the sport. From the start, I couldn't even hit the ball- literally. No matter how many times you'd hit one to me, I would swing completely and not even hit the ball. And I couldn't even swing right because it was impossible for me to get a feel for good form. My forehand and my backhand are beautiful now, but I've still got a looooooong way to go. Anyhow, tennis players out there! I need some inspiration. Share me your stories as a beginner in this sport. I don't know anyone else who has told me they've had a similar experience. :0( Am I the only one who has gone through that much of a hard time hitting a ball and swinging a racket? It wasn't easy for me at all....