
Novocaine shots/dentist ?

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So tomorrow i get to go back to the dentist ( OH JOY ) .. ok so im really not thrilled with having to go back. But anyway apparently i need more Novocaine shots and i am soo not looking forward to it. Im really nervous about them because last time it hurt soo badly. He said he would give me laughing gas but from what i heard it doesnt help.. Does it ?




  1. My Dentist uses stuff to swab the gumline in the area of the tooth OR teeth to be worked on......then injects the numbing medicine like 5-10 minutes later basically pain free.

    I haven't found it to be so bad lately.....Just got two teeth filled today.

    Laughing gas just helps me sit still, not sleep.

    Good Luck, and I hope your experience goes better than you're imagining right now.

  2. Yes.  The gas will put in la-la land while everything else happens.  You may be sore when you come ou of it, but won't remember any pain from the injections or other activity.  Sit back and enjoy.

    Oh and for the poster who mentioned availability at Walgreens, it is, but I won't tell you where.

  3. It will definitely help u ALOT! i used it for all of my fillings. u won't feel a thing dont sweat it

  4. If I could wheel around a tank of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) like old people wheel around oxygen, I'd do it! I love that stuff. It makes me not ever want to leave the chair. I actually find myself hoping they'll find more work to do so I can still have the gas.

    Good thing the stuff isn't available at Walgreens. I'd have a problem.

  5. Laughing gas (Nitrous oxide), will help.  It put me to sleep very quickly.

    Ask the dentist if he will numb the area before he gives you the shot to deaden the area.

  6. I hate going to the dentist. Went last week for a mold for my root-canal I had. The dentist I have used is amazing. Only 2 novocaine shots! My whole side of my mouth wasn't numb like time before. The shots are not that bad. You can feel them and they are a little painful but it should be the worst of your pain. It takes about 5 seconds to administer. I always take a few ibuprophen about a hour before I get there. I used  laughing gas when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I worked great for me. You can always take of the mask if you don't like the way you feel with it.  

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