
Now, why are we in Iraq again?

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Sorry - I forgot :-) Why is it that we are over there? What was the reason? Someone please help educate me.




  1. Think about this.

    What would it be like if we hadnt gone over there?

    I went there, I was in the US Army for 14yrs, and I spent 3.5 of those in Iraq/Afghanistan. 99% of people LIKE YOU never even stepped foot over there, and you complain about us being over there.  While I was there, I saw what good we were doing.

    The Media doesnt show you the Women who come to you crying and hugging and thanking you for being there.

    The Media doesnt show you the children who are now physically deformed from the Chemical Warfare Saddam has put them through, Do you know how good it makes those children feel when you give them a hug and let them know someone does care. I cried myself seeing what they went through, and those children shouldnt have to live in fear.

    The Media doesnt show you the hardships those people went through, the living conditions, the lack of clean water, the lack of nutricious food.  

    So before you open your mouth, Go over and see what good we are doing, go give those mothers and children a hug and watch them cry on your shoulder because they are happy that your there for them.

    Ssgt (E-6P) US Army

  2. Just in case the reps lose the election, they wanna go and take over as much oil as they

  3. ***yawn*** having to dig deep are we?

    because saddam was behind 9/11.

    (just to shut you up)

  4. Because the Democratically elected government of Iraq is our ally and they have asked us to help them maintain security until their own forces are strong enough to take over.

    We said yes because our President always supports Democratically elected governments.

    Unless Obama becomes President, then we will only support Islamo-Fascist's governments.

  5. It was because of Iraq's WMDs, err... it was because of 9/11, err... it was because Saddam must be toppled, err... it was because Iraq needs freedom and democracy, err... it was because Al Qaeda are in Iraq, err... it was because Iraq need a stable functioning government, err.... Dammit! I'm already running out of excuses!.


  7. The GOP wanted a more concrete place to pull fear from so that they could try and win the elections.  It surely wasn't to help national security, as more people want to kill us all now more than ever before!  

  8. Because Bush

    1. wanted  the Oil and the rebuilding contracts for his friends and buddies.

    2. wanted to create a mood of terror in the US so he could walk all over the constitution and civil rights of the people with the excuse that it is for their own protection.

    3.  wanted to be remembered as a great war leader.

    4.was told to do it by God (also known as  Bush Senior).

  9. Invading a helpless country.

    And Oil.

  10. wow- you all are very out of touch and out of date.

    currently, we are in iraq to finish stabilizing the country.  We just successfully handed control of security for Anbar province to the Iraqis.  

    We won the Iraq war.  We are now finishing the job and getting out.  All US forces will be out by 2011 per current agreements.  That is under Obama or under McCain.  

    You guys need another issue.  The Iraq war is a non-issue.  Notice not even Obama is talking about it anymore?

    He was wrong about the surge, McCain was right.   Bush was wrong.

  11. because just about everyone voted for it, not just mccain or bush (maybe thats why they voted for obama..if they were going to run on the war..they had 2 pick someone who voted against it...) and when you go into a war it's better to come back with something good instead of running with our tails behind our legs.  

  12. Saddam was linked to 9/11 which our OWN CIA disapproved in the 2006 Senate Pre-Intelligence report

    and oh yea Iraq had  "wmds"

    mean while North Korea was already testing their missiles at that time

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