
Now Nicole has gone in BB9. will Rex walk out?

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after her I doubt the ginger snap would have the bottle




  1. he wont walk but he will be voted out next

  2. Will he balls.

    He reckons he's odds to win, you can tell by that permanent smirk he always has on his face.  

  3. Riight shes left? The eviction hasn't even been on yet.

    Edit: Okay NOW she is leaving haha! No he won't leave. "oh looks like im stuck with you lot!" Hes too cocky, thinks he can win it.

  4. Yeah he definitely doesn't have the bottle.  He didn't even look that upset when she got told she's leaving haha !!

  5. Hahahha nicoles yes !! to get out of big brother was soo fake hahaha :P stupid beeyatch :P

  6. She asked Rex the other day if he'd stay if she was evicted and his reply was 'Do you really expect me to leave when there's only 2 weeks left?'

    Says it all really.

  7. No way.Did you see the way everyone rushed to commiserate with her,LOL.

  8. No, don't be stupid, that would mean Rex would miss a chance on even more money!

  9. how do you know shes gone?  they aint announced the evictee yet

  10. No he dident even look that unhappy ,Darnell was the most devastated he wanted Sara out ,I like Sara shes growing on me  

  11. I wish.

    he doesn't have the guts.

    Hes just as pathetic as her.

  12. Nah ........... too full of himself to walk !!!

    ... Besides his head won't be able to fit through the door ..... and nobody has a crowbar handy !!!

  13. She ain't gone yet!! Here she goes............................

  14. yh i think he will walk out  

  15. not a chance

  16. theres a chance she isnt going.. you'll find out in about 1 minute...

  17. he aint gonna go now shes gone.. he didnt even want her there in the first place.. omg shes such a *****.. cant wait to hear the boo's she gets...

  18. Why should he?

    She might have been miserable in the house, but, I think she shall be rich and happy when she comes out for sure, she is very pretty, and a good dancer - good luck Nicole -

  19. Why should he?  He went in without her why should he have to go because she is.  I don't understand why some are saying that he won't have the guts or balls to go with her, he doesn't have to.  

    Rex to win!  

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