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This day was bound to come. Please be kinder. This person needed our help today.




  1. I have to agree. But when I come here, I come to ask questions & answer questions.

    If a question doesn't tickle my fancy - I don't answer. This goes for questions that are unclear, or seem to be suspicious.

    You know I got hit by a troll, who hurt me, but I don't want to walk/scroll around judging other.

    I remember on the news recently there was a child abuse case. The Mother reached out on a forum for help, but was hounded. I don't know if it was Yahoo, but it really had stuck in my mind. 2 young toddlers died. Because the Mum wasn't able to get the help she needed.

    Since hearing that, I've been direct in my approach. I'd rather not say anything, that say something nasty.

    I know a few of my contacts answered that question, but they have their reasons & I won't judge them, because they are nice people.


  2. I think people should just answer the question someone is asking and keep it moving.. stop questioning if someone is lying!  Why do some people come on here to insult someone, what do you get? NOTHING!

  3. it's sad she came to this forum looking for advice and a shoulder of comfort and she didn't get it. it's horrible that the trolls have ruined the entire point of this forum. my heart goes out to her the loss of a child is the most brutal of losses.

  4. This hardly comes as a shock. Despite my sincere attempts to help people understand that there's so much one can do to improve their health through education and positive attitude, my former identity, Mr. Peachy, was banned permanently from this forum. That tells me that there are far too many uncaring trolls, and nearly as many mind numbed robotic morons running the show at Yahoo! who can't be bothered keeping the asylum under control. Normally, I would feel sorry for mommylovesjet, but I've developed such a thick skin over these years, that I sort of expect everyone to treat moronic answers the same way as I do.... as if they never existed.

  5. People are just ignorant nowadays...

  6. That is to say the least shocking, my heart goes out to her.  Some of the 'trolls" were people I have on my contacts list, maybe they shouldn't really be there anymore.

  7. Just the other day there was a girl on here being harassed by another user because she had stated her mom died when she was little but she had answers to everything they were questioning on. We are on code orange alert for trolls and because they seem to be coming out we just don't trust people when they seem to have problems that we could never imagine. (I would be crushed and probably would have commited suicide if i ever suffered the losss of a child)

  8. Some of the people who were the harshest are frequent posters on this board. Those people makes me sick, I'm sure THEY'VE come to ask for support before when they were at their lowest points in life.

    It's pretty obvious when somebody is a troll and when somebody isn't. This woman was obviously not a troll.

    People are pricks.

  9. people are asses! who cares about her other questions.  

  10. I fthis isn't to fingerpoint anyone you all could have fooled me.  You ppl flat out mocked fun at me and said horrible things.  I'm having a hard enough time not being able to talk to anyone about this and when I did try to cry out for help, I was ridiculed.  Sit back and think how you would feel.
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