
Now fat people cause warming too?

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Geez, what doesn't cause global warming nowadays?

"Obesity contributes to global warming: study"




  1. Just another example why people have a hard time taking GW seriously. The whole concept is becoming self promoting, I've seen them use everything from wrist watches to cat litter. It doesn't really seem to promote the alarmist agenda in a realistic manner.

  2. Obesity is a problem no doubt, to tie it in with global warming is sad and demeaning.

  3. well of course. fat people f**t a lot which makes them put air into the earth and cause global warming.

  4. Ice, but then who would eat all the sodding animals thusly consolidating all their little global warming farts into giant (yet manageable) farts that can be released behind the water cooler and blamed on the Liberals, or Conservatives depending on whether people are hot or cold on that particular day..

  5. nowadays evetything contributed to global warming.

  6. what is the world coming to

  7. Obese people only contribute to consumption of more energy not global warming. And it isn't a study, its a random lie.

    In other words, there is no study on that.

  8. lol well practically everything has something to do with global warming directly or indirectly...and some are more indirectly than others but the main point is that i heard that one of my freinds heard that cow gas contributes more to global warming than car idk if its true or not but it sure is friend learned about it on discovery channel lol

  9. judging by this it seems only fair that people who weigh 300 lbs should pay twice as much taxes as people who weigh 150.

  10. That's just plain goofy to think that, what genius come up with that bright idea.  Next thing you know the government is going to be taxing people when they pass gas.

  11. what bullshyt ,ive seen skinny people eat twice as much as fat people ,btw most fat people are fat due to being poor , cant afford a healthy meal ..most over weight people are mal nourished ... do the research ..its alot cheaper buying dollar menue then cooking healthy foods

  12. This seems like a no-brainer to me.

    Fatter people consume more food, which means more energy has to be used to feed them.  They also weigh more, which means more energy needs to be used to transport them.  More energy use means more carbon emissions which means more global warming.

    Just simple logic.  I don't know why they needed a study to come to this conclusion.

  13. So that means that besides having that huge-*** house in Belle Meade and flying the globe in the private jets, fat Al Gore is contributing to GW because he's a chubbo?  Cool, and that doesn't even take into account the constant stream of hot air he emits when he's pimping carbon credits and the like.

  14. All Fat people must be put on restrictive diets...LMAO...that is hilarious

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