
Now here is a nice story for you all in part but a sad one at the same time?

by  |  earlier

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Time for some good news Baby Anita has been found after 11 days.

Is it not good to hear of some good news of a families prayers been answered?




  1. Couldn't find the story but I find the pic of the dog and the boy prayin extremely cute.

  2. The praying dog and boy was funny!

    Couln't find your story, but I now know how to get rich quick so....I'm off!

  3. Cant find the story in the link fella.  

  4. Sorry, can't find the link but there's an interesting article on the 23 week foetus which was stillborn and put into the hospitals cold storage facility only to start moving when reunited with her parents when they were removing her for burial - hopefully she will live!

  5. I could only see how to get rich?  

  6. Are you saying this family had their prayers answered and God turned his back on other families and ignored their prayers? What God would do that?

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