
Now here is a very interesting question that might offend you: If love means accepting someone ...?

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If love means to accept someone how he/she is, isn't the conclusion: How can any parent in the world love its child, when he/she is trying to change/educate it???

A 3 yo is not the same as a 15 yo. So there is a change.

Would be interesting to know, if you are a parent or not:-)




  1. I think a child is a different scenerio than an adult. You love a child differently than you love lets say your spouse. (If you love them the same, thats nasty!) You have to repsect the fact that you spouse is grown and is who he/she is. But you have to guide your child in the way you feel is best, but at the same time, it can be a sticky situation because as you guide them, you have to be careful to let them have their own views, likes and dislikes and not accept only yours as the ultimatum. But once they are adults, you have to let go and hope you raised them in such a way that morally/ethically they are the kind of people you can be proud of.

    I dont see why people would be offended by this question, I found it interesting!

  2. i am not sure what you are asking but i will give you what i think.  if you are 3 you need your parents to teach you and raise you to have respect. but you will still have your personality and same for 15.  i love my 3 year old for who he is, funny, outgoing and always talking. and my 10 year old is changing everyday. he is learning new things and i love him too.

  3. to love someone how they are, mean to love them with out you forcing change on them.. 3yr old changes naturally into a 15 yr old.. and would always be loved.

  4. I don't think I am quite following your question, but I will say this...every one of us grows and changes. That doesn't make us any less lovable. We love our children in spite of the changes, just as they are.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't try to change my kids...well, maybe a diaper when they were babies, LOL, I encourage, nurture, and guide them.

    Of course they are not the same as when they were 3, but I have loved them with all my heart at each stage of their life and will continue to do so unconditionally.

  5. a parents job is to teach their child the norms of society.  If you just left a child to learn on their own, we as a society would not be able to communicate with each other and everything would be total chaos.  A parent is not trying to change thier child they are trying to show them what is right and wrong otherwise the child wouldnt have a clue.  The saying that you are referring to, applies to someone who is already developed, already taught social norms, and able to make logical decisions, NOT a young child whos brain is not fully developed.

  6. Love isn't accepting someone for how he/she is. Thats tolerance. Theres your answer.

  7. maybe you unknowingly tapped into a secret of life here.  when you think about it, when a child is born you know very little about who that is, but you love them.  as they grow they gradually reveal themselves, and they gradually change, when they reach a certain age you make concious efforts to change them.  while a lot of the basic personality may be there at a young age, they change one h**l of a lot in the process, and you love them all the way through the process. so is the love ingrained because you are a parent, or is it learned, instead of the typical thought of love as being a little more arbitrary than that.   i don't know the answer to your question, but thanks for making me think.  i am a parent.

  8. Well, your question doesn't really make sense. You must not be a parent.

    My son grinds his teeth, pulls my hair, scratches my face and tries to rip out my earrings. I love him more than myself, more than anything in the world but heck if I am going to let him make me bleed! I love him despite, not because- that is what that saying means. I teach him no it is not OK to do these things, that is what parents are supposed to do, but if he wants to do something when he grows up that I think is stupid now, he can do it, as long as he isn't hurting people he can be what he wants to be- that is him.

    Same goes with my husband, I love him despite his disgusting hygiene habits, vomitously smelly farts and uncommunicative nature. I tell him he needs to take better care of his body and talk to me more, but that doesn't mean I don't accept him for who he is. Despite, not because.

    And don't ever tell someone they don't love their children, that just shows how childish you are. Just because you are angry with your parents for not letting you be a whatever doesn't mean they don't love you. You will get over this ridiculous argument when you yourself become a parent. Until then, don't be rude.

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