
Now i'm sure there is a problem...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 18, male 5'4, 109 pounds...I haven't aged a bit since around the 8th grade. That's how young I look, I can still wear the pants/shirts if I wanted to...I still look the same 4-5 years later. I was wondering if I should go to the doctor about it. I just look way to young/small for my age. All the males in my family are at least 6 feet tall and a healthy weight and...big

I haven't grown a centimeter since the 8th grade...height and width wise...I've actually lost weight since then. From my peak at 115 to 109. I just recently stopped having acne and can grow a little facial hair. I have plenty of hair under the arms and in the genital areas.

I'm starting to think there is something wrong. I'm (hopefully) going to the doctors tommorow to ask him about it...I'm not sure I know how to talk to him about it really, I'm kinda self-concious in this area.




  1. umm thats weird did you go through puberty cuz if u didn't something is very wrong

  2. do u not even have face hair?

  3. then print this page off with your question and go to the doctors so u dont have to ask out loud... but if you're 18 and look like an 8th grader, you should probably get that checked out. it might just be a horomone imbalance.

  4. its ok your just a dwarf among gients

  5. WOW! YOU ARE SMALL! I am going into 8th Grade and I am 5'10" and 140 lbs. You really should ask your doctor. Everyone is different and I think there's nothing to worry about but that's still really weird.

  6. There is obviously a hormonal imbalance that is happening.  A hormonal imbalance is very dangerous even though it seems that it only effects looks.  I've known some people (male and female) that have been very ill and didn't even know it.  Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.  

  7. I can tell u from personal  experience that nothing is wronge with you some ppl justage differently. I am what u would call small framed I havent grown a bit since junior high and I am in my thirties now. but there is some options that a doctor can give you but fair warning some of those will result in you taking medication for the rest of your life

  8. maybe it's normal? your doctor might have a diagnosis, but i don't think it's a disease or something

    malnutrition? gene anomaly?

  9. yeah there is probably some thing wrong with you

  10. there's nothing wrong with you im 54 128 / 23

    and i look young and im cool with it

    besides you can get in cheap in certain places if you look young

  11. u wont chage to ur self but to other u will

  12. idk if this is a problem but i do know that most males dont stop growing until there about 21

  13. its preaty normal

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