
Now is there a difference?

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Ok in past year and a half ago when I was 16 I was concerned about having a child. But now that I'm 17 and almost 18 in a few months I just wanted to know is there a difference between then and now. Will people be more understanding or just rude and foul about it? Information: Good student, good boyfriend of 1 1/2, Both have jobs. Also I don't need any rude and disrespectful comments. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. I am here to get "Good" advice not BS




  1. People judge no matter what. Its human nature. You should do what you and your b/f think is best. It will be easier if you wait till you are a little older, weddings are fun, but not if you are preg. or everyone thinks you are. Talk to your b/f and see what he thinks about all of this. Good Luck!

  2. The best advice is for you to wait until you are finshed school, preferrably beyond high school. To do otherwise is to be setting yourself up at a disadvantage for the rest of your life. Give yourself a chance for a wonderful life, and have kids when you are secure and established, and when you've had time to have a life of your own.

    That's good advice, and no BS

  3. you should wait until u are not a student anymore and then decide whats best for u. if this is what u want,  get married first and then think about a baby. not the other way around. This is the mature thing to do.

  4. Hi, I can give you an opinion from of mom that has children your age. A year and a half relationship and both of you having jobs is very commendable. My concern for you havin a child this young is not necessarily for the child as much as for you because you do sound pretty responsible. There is just so many things you can do and will want to do that would be so much harder with a child. College would be more difficult, just going away for a few days or even out for an evening would be difficult. I wish I could say you will feel the same in 5 or even 10 years but it's really weird how life changes your feelings about things.

    Nothing is impossible however. And others have done just fine with having a child and accomplishing what they wanted to do as well. May have taken them more time and they lived on a lot less money as well but it can be done.

    Good luck with your decision.

  5. Personally, I would wait until you are out of High School. Then you at least have the immediate choice of College or a career and marriage. A wedding is so fun and you don't want to feel awkward in your dress because you were pregnant and you don't want anyone thinking you got married because of the child/pregnancy. You also are still VERY young, and I know it seems like a year and a half is a huge relationship but give yourselves time to grow together more as a couple before you make such a life changing decision. Good luck either way! :-)

  6. I would wait a little longer. I had my daughter when I was 20 and wouldnt change her for the world but I do miss my freedom from now and then. Right out of high school was the funnest time, enjoy that for a while before you have the responsibility of having a child. It is a lot more work then you can imagine. They are super fun and loving but also a ton of work and you are always tired, even when you get a good night sleep. Enjoy your freedom for a little while before you are tied down with a baby.

  7. Yes people will have a different opinion about pregnancy at the age of 17, and at the age of 18. Mind maturity varies; But, why not wait until you are just a little older, there are so many things you and your sweety won't get to do once a bundle of joy is here. A lot of things you thought you'd prepared for won't work out in a neat little pattern. So enjoy your early non-parental days. I look at my daughter's life. She's doing great but, there are adventures they have to put off or not do at all. Having children means you're ready to start making sacrifices. And , I'm not referring to money, though ,with some, it will be an issue.

  8. If/when your pregnant and people ask how old you are, they will see a big difference between 17 and 18.  They will think "oh 17 your too young" but 18 they think "oh well your considered an adult so thats not too bad."  I would suggest to wait awhile until you atleast have a very steady income, health insurance, and a nice spacious apartment/house.  Enjoy being out of highschool for awhile.  Go out party, have fun.  See if you still feel the same way in a year or two

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