
Now it's Okay to Attack the Candidates Faimily??

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Wasn't it just recently NOT okay to attack the candidates children? Now the Libs are out en masse attacking Sarah Palin's daughter. Kind of a double standard wouldn't you say? Personally I support McCain/Palin even more now. At least she sticks to her principals against abortion.




  1. You do have to admire the ability of an obama supporter to speak out of both sides of their mouth

    It is quite impressive

  2. I am a conservative and I am appalled with McCain's judgement and Palin's parenting skills.

    Now, I'm not going to vote. I'm to mad at McCain, but I really don't want Obama. Let my fellow Americans decide.

    Do me proud.  

  3. Beverly, its called 'grasping at straws", because they don't have anything else. I admire Sarah for standing by her children and family. Obama, on the other hand had his wife remade so she would look better to the public. I like the honesty and sincerity of Sarah Palin, much more than the artificiality of Obama and Michelle.

  4. First of all, Obama has said the pregnancy is off limits. So who are you talking about people on yahoo? They can talk about whatever they want, your family palin and her S****y daughter whatever. get over it.

  5. The neocons had their share of throwing tomatoes at Chelsea Clinton and have already extended their welcome against Michelle Obama.  Doesn't feel so good when the tables are turned does it?

  6. Few are attacking the children, only the hypocrite parents who drag them into the limelight.  Do you think that Sarah Palin has the right to criticize s*x education and birth control?

  7. "Staver also criticized anyone who would seek to make it a negative campaign issue: "It's absolutely shameful to put her child in the spotlight. She's not running for office. When someone can't face issues, they try to tear down a family."

  8. I am a Democrat and do not attack anybodies family. I just do not understand how the Republicans can be so righteous and preach morality, then when one of theirs makes a mistake it is not to be mentioned. At 17 the girl should be allowed Pro Choice. That does not mean she has to get a abortion, but have a choice on the rest of her life. It is not her mothers choice, her daughter is the one that made a mistake and it is up to her what to do about it.  Possibly if the mother was home to give her guidance, this may have been avoided.  Also I think the mother of 5 belongs raising her children at home and not farming them out for some body else to take care of while she is running for VP.

  9. No it's not. Obama announced that the children should be completely left out of the campaign. As a matter of a fact, he said he would fire anyone who was involved if he discovered they were on his staff.  

  10. I don't think it is right. It is unfortunate that it happens. I think the candidates should expect the criticism but the families didn't pick the job so they should be left out of it.  

  11. Don't be so dense.  No one is attacking the girl...they are attacking the possibility that Sarah may have lied and committed fraud in a cover up.  Show me one post where they are actually bashing Bristol.

    This is the problem with republicans...they have very low reading comprehension.

  12. Beverly S you are os right The posts on here represent another reason I will not support Obama.

    The idiots attacking a 17 year old child should be ashamed of themselves.

    You are actively putting down a child that made the same mistake made by millions of people. Many of you posting on here have made the same mistake, are a parent of a child that has done this or were a product of the same.

    What was Palin to do? Lock her child up in a closet? You can teach a child values hoping they listen and learn, that does not mean that they will.

    The fact that she is not having an abortion should be reason enough for the Christian conservatives to continue to support Palin.

    You Liberal hate mongers are the very reason Obama needs to lose this election. you are not doing him any favors by being this way. Your lack if integrity and respect will cost Obama this election.

  13. Obama was complaining that the media was attacking his wife. I wonder if he will complain about the attack on Palin.  

  14. Sure it is, if you happen to be a desperate liberal, that is. It's called do as I say do, not as I do.

    searcher, were you born obtuse or did you have to work at it? It appears to me you are the one who has a reading comprehension problem.You read only the parts you want and ignore what you can't comprehend.

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