
Now most of us know which Royal is being suspected of the blackmail, does it make any difference?

by  |  earlier

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What I mean is - I don't really care - I know a member of the Royal family should not bring disrepute etc etc., but its not changed my day knowing the name - not one bit!!!!




  1. Do agree. What business is that of ours any way? Why can't we leave the Royals just alone. They are just normal human beings like you and me.

  2. It may not have changed your day but I bet it's changed his!

    He's been caught shagging and snorting coke. Hardly a hanging offence.

  3. Remember this minor hanger on, ooops I mean "royal" IS a victim here. He was a victim of blackmail. He hasn't brought anyone into disrepute.

  4. I makes a differnece to anyone who is the victim of blackmail who now know that if they go to the police their names are likely to be plastered all over the internet.

  5. Oh, who is it? I'm betting George VI, bless him...

  6. yes, but they all think they are so superior that its just nice to see them as they really are

  7. who's it supposed to be then?

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