
Now my husband has left me should I try a spot of DIY?

by  |  earlier

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or should I get a man in




  1. Well I saw an earlier answer of yours... I would suggest some DIY while you get sorted then a spot of get MEN in and have some fun ....... sorry to see what I saw =( hope you ok !  

  2. Why ever not?  Enjoy!

  3. Morning Val

    Unless there's a particularly talented chap waiting to be asked, I suggest you try the DIY option for a while

    hang on - did someone say FoG was making sense??

  4. FoG is making sense, take care  

  5. How about a tall tanned Spanish "Handy man" with a large tool;-)

  6. DYI is the best, however, it's sadly not a long term substitute!

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

  7. I'm sorry to hear that and hope you are bearing up and have support..:( I would say DIY and amaze yourself... :)

  8. There is nothing like the power of a drill to make one feel slightly better. Invariably if its being drilled in someones head. . .hahah

    Sorry to hear your 'husband' left you toots. but by god putting up that shelving unit in the lounge or fixing the dodgy tile in the bathroom is a satisfying move to make!  ;-)

  9. Sorry to hear that, give it a shot, if it fails call in a man! show your husband you can manage with out him!

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