What with the cost of living in Britian rising rapidly and wages standing still when will people of the UK demand that the government reduce the Tax on petrol so the motorist can actually afford to get to work.
It seems that everything in Britain cost a fortune, for example, a loaf of bread is over a pound.
But the petrol situation has to be the biggest rip off by the government who actually work for us.
Britians are taxed literally to death and beyond.
When will the people of Britian realise that they have to stand together and insist on action before prices rise again.
Petrol has risen rapidly over the passed month and the governments excuse is the cost of crude oil.....but crude oil is dealth by the dollar which is at an all time low against the pound, so how can the government justify blaming the cost of a barrel of oil for the rip off price of petrol in Britain?
When will the rolling roadblocks happen?
When will British people realise that we're being ripped off?